What makes our solution different

Get answers faster with AI search & summarization

Spend less time extracting financials from company filings

Access market outlooks from all of the world’s top banks
Build peer comps in less time with AI
Easily verify critical metrics, such as EV/EBITDA, P/E, P/B or P/S, for public companies with Smart Synonyms™ that catch variations in language so you never miss a thing.
Dive deep into a company’s financials
Easily extract segment- and product-level financials along with tables found in footnotes of 10Ks, 10Qs and other filings. Table Explorer instantly stitches together historical tables, automatically calculates metrics, and exports directly to Excel.
Easily map industry landscapes
Quickly understand market expectations with access to the only collection of equity research from all of Wall Street’s top banks—including exclusive partnerships with Goldman Sachs and Citi.
Discover more use cases for AlphaSense
Competitive Intelligence
Learn moreMarket Landscaping
Learn moreFundamental Research
Learn moreBusiness Development
Learn moreBenchmarking
Learn moreEarnings Analysis
Learn morePrivate Market Intelligence
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Swiftly conduct more comprehensive due diligence with all the perspectives you need—in one place.