Level-up your research

Move faster in your research with purpose-built generative AI that gives you instant insights from a premium content universe.

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Business-Ready Generative AI

What makes our solution different

Information you can’t find anywhere else

Smart Summaries is the only generative AI tool that draws from a premium content universe specifically curated for business professionals.

Insights you can trust and verify

Smart Summaries provide you with citations to the exact snippets of text from where the summaries are sourced, combining high accuracy with instant and easy verification.

Generative AI purpose-built for business

Smart Summaries is built on a foundation of 10+ years of investment in AI technology and language models developed to answer critical market intelligence questions.

Get smart on new topics and nascent technology

From analyzing how your portfolio is talking about inflation to understanding events impacting the semiconductor industry, get to consensus faster with summarized takeaways for any keyword search.

Extend your reach during earnings season

Spend less time parsing through transcripts during earnings season with concise summarizations of the highlights, lowlights, key topics, and top analyst questions from any earnings call.

Quickly capture company outlook

Understand the “why” behind a company’s performance with exclusive summaries of bullish and bearish outlooks from analysts and SWOT analyses from former employees and competitors.

Track trends across industries

Get smart on everything happening within an industry with aggregated summaries that cover earnings performance, market impact, and strategic priorities across peer companies.


Here are some of the questions Smart Summaries can help you answer:

  • What are brokers key insights and opinions on this specific topic?
  • What is the market outlook, and history, for this specific topic?
  • How are experts, previous employees, and customers talking about this specific topic?
  • What are analysts bullish and bearish about?
  • What were the highlights and lowlights of the earnings call?
  • What is the future guidance on critical KPIs for the company?
  • Where did the company beat or miss expectations?
  • What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a company?
  • Describe the competitive or market landscape for this company.
  • What is this industry currently focusing on?
  • Who are the biggest competitors in this industry?

Smart Summaries generates insights by leveraging AlphaSense’s AI technology stack, including Smart Synonyms™, topic & KPI extraction, sentiment analysis, and our proprietary relevance ranking. These AI capabilities allow our generative AI Smart Summaries to parse through millions of documents across the premium and high-value content sets available in AlphaSense, and then present highly accurate and valuable summaries.

Smart Summaries contain citations linked to the exact snippets within the underlying content sources that contributed to the generated summary. As a result, you have the ability to quickly validate any of the information contained in our summaries and find the broader context.

Unlike other generative AI tools, Smart Summaries has a number of distinct advantages:

  1. Large language models specifically tailored for business and market intelligence professionals use – we have invested over ten years in building very focused and specific AI capabilities to meet the needs of professionals answering critical business and financial decisions. This means Smart Summaries is able to parse through and hone in on the precise information needed to surface relevant and accurate insights.
  2. Highly valuable and up-to-date content universe – Smart Summaries is able to search through a content database that includes premium content as well as sources you cannot find anywhere else. Furthermore, this content universe is kept up-to-date in real-time, meaning when Smart Summaries surfaces insights, you can be sure they are based on the latest information from vetted sources.
  3. Easily able to verify the summaries presented – in every instance, Smart Summaries provides deep-linked citations that allow users, with one click, to see the exact content source and even snippets of text that contributed to the original summary. Meaning you always have a clear line of sight and the ability to verify any insight.
  4. Prepackaged questions from key workflows – there are common questions market intelligence professionals look to answer about companies, their earnings, the outlook, and the competitive landscape. In order to speed up a user’s workflow, we have proactively built these key questions into Smart Summaries, removing the obstacle of having to generate questions on the fly.

Yes. Smart Summaries will be made available to all AlphaSense users. If you are not yet an existing AlphaSense customer, an excellent place to start is with a free trial.

To register your interest in Smart Summaries, please join the waitlist, and we will keep you informed when early access to our Beta version is available.

Smart Summaries was purposefully built with guardrails to help focus the application of generative AI technology. Furthermore, because Smart Summaries is trained on the AlphaSense content database, the insights are only drawn from premium source content and are highly relevant for all market intelligence professionals.