Why Use AlphaSense For Qualitative Analysis

The ability to perform sophisticated and efficient qualitative analysis is a competitive advantage in today’s fast-moving, data-saturated markets. With so much information available and trends and market conditions changing more quickly than ever, you need a way to filter through the noise and get to the qualitative insights that matter.

With the right tool, you can move on new opportunities faster, recognize and prepare for emerging trends before your competitors, and continually optimize your strategies to meet new market demandsand AlphaSense is the best qualitative analysis tool to help you do it. 

The AlphaSense platform helps you cut through the noise of millions of data sources to find the ones that matter most to you. All our features are purpose-built to help you reach your business goals more efficiently, effectively, and comprehensively:

  • Smart Synonyms™ technology delivers results for exact keywords you enter as well as synonyms that yield relevant thematic insights. 
  • Smart Summaries is our newest generative AI feature that enables you to glean instant earnings insights, quickly capture company outlook, and generate an expert-approved SWOT analysis straight from former competitors, partners, and employees. 
  • Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing (NLP)-based feature that scores documents by sentiment, using a color-coded analysis to categorize insights and help you get an accurate sense of the sentiment behind long-form text. 

The result? You save hours of time previously spent performing time-consuming, manual market analysis or investment research and access better insights to drive your decisions.

How AlphaSense Makes Qualitative Analysis Easy

Qualitative analysis is complex. Traditionally, it involves analysts spending hours poring over pages and pages of text to find the right insights. Even then, the likelihood was high that something would slip through the cracks, or that there would be inaccuracies in the analysis. 

AlphaSense completely transforms the qualitative analysis process, eliminating human error from the equation and turning a task that once took days or hours into one that can be executed in seconds. 

Further, the platform offers capabilities that are much more advanced than traditional tools like Excel and that are purpose-built to analyze qualitative text data.

For example: the below quarterly earnings call for social media giant Meta was over one hour long. Smart Summaries instantly generated a concise, bulleted list of key positives and negatives from the call, enabling you to quickly identify the key topics that were discussed.

 Example of Smart Summaries qualitative analysis tool in the AlphaSense platform

When you open the call transcript to scan it, sentiment analysis helps you categorize insights and follow the overall tone of the discussion with color coding for positive and negative sentiment.

Example of sentiment analysis in the AlphaSense platform performing qualitative analysis of a quarterly earnings call
The next time you need to provide a quick POV or overview on a target company, or conduct a full qualitative analysis on a short turnaround to inform a decision, you won’t have to burn the midnight oil to do it.

Instead, AlphaSense helps you leverage automation, AI, and cloud-powered software to help your team members execute smart qualitative analysis with confidence—and from anywhere.

It’s something that outdated, spreadsheet-based research processes simply cannot accomplish, no matter how smart and experienced your analysts are.

Qualitative Data Sources

The AlphaSense platform contains a market-leading, diverse content library with 10,000+ quality and premium sources that go beyond web-based content to enable more sophisticated research.

Private Company Data and Documents

Access company tear sheets for 1M+ private companies, valuations data for 200,000+ private companies around the world, and internal documents like performance reports, memos, and earnings call transcripts. 

Regulatory Filings and Disclosures

Find regulatory filings and disclosures for more than 68,000 companies worldwide, including SEC and global filings, transcripts on earnings calls and investor conferences, investor relations, and press releases.

Expert Interviews

Get access to 45,000+ expert calls that include commentary from exclusive and credible experts, feature investor-led interviews, and provide firsthand insights on demand.

Newspapers and Trade Journals

AlphaSense provides access to top-tier newspapers, trade journals, and other media sources otherwise only available behind a paywall. Media sources on the platform encompass countless industries including but not limited to: business and markets, finance, real estate, healthcare, technology and telecom, consumer products, aerospace and defense, energy and utilities, and automotive and transportation.

Broker Research

Read broker reports from 1,500+ of the world’s leading research providers, including global bulge-bracket brokers as well as regional and boutique firms. Access real-time and aftermarket research via existing entitlements for financial firms, as well as AlphaSense’s premier Wall Street Insights® equity research collection for corporate firms.

User-Uploaded Content

AlphaSense makes it easy to collaborate and share information internally in your organization. When you upload your own internal research, documents, or third-party data sources, you can then leverage AlphaSense features to analyze them for insight and disseminate results with your entire team. For more on this, check out our Enterprise Intelligence page.