Why You Need a Competitor Benchmarking Tool

In today’s world of overwhelming amounts of insights and fast-moving markets, it’s critical for organizations to have their finger on the pulse of what’s trending and changing in their market. When it comes to competitive strategy, reactive moves—even those informed by real-time data—are not enough to stay ahead of the curve.

Instead, organizations need an effective way to cut through excessive noise and pinpoint the insights that truly matter, so that they are never surprised by competitors’ moves and are instead ready with a proactive strategy.

An AI-powered competitor benchmarking tool, like AlphaSense, makes this task easy by streamlining data curation and market landscape mapping steps, so you can get straight to strategic analysis. Instantly gain a complete picture of your competitive position and that of other top players in your industry, whether they were previously on your radar or not. 

With AI-based capabilities like sentiment analysis and generative AI, AlphaSense enables you to not only stay aware of industry and competitor events, but also understand how key stakeholders (i.e. investors, customers, and peers) feel about them and gain insight into market-moving events.

The result? Your organization can be the first to capitalize on new opportunities, identify market trends, and gain a competitive advantage that advances your market position. 

How AlphaSense Accelerates Your Competitive Benchmarking 

Aggregated Market Research

AlphaSense houses over 10,000 trusted content sources, including:

  • Company documents including SEC and global filings, earnings transcripts, company presentations, press releases, event transcripts, and more
  • Industry research from the world’s top analysts
  • Unique industry expert perspectives
  • News outlets
  • Company and competitor websites
  • Government and regulatory data

This includes two content sets exclusive to AlphaSense:

AlphaSense’s content set spans our broad cross-sector capabilities, including intelligence and insights  to monitor clinical pipelines, track new developments and competitor moves, and assess deal making opportunities. 

Semantic Search

Smart synonyms product

With our AI search technology, you no longer have to manually CTRL-F through fragmented research documents and reports. Instead, our smart intent-based search recognizes what you are looking for and surfaces relevant results—while filtering out the excess noise. This means you can shave hours of time conducting competitor research and be more confident in the accuracy and comprehensiveness of your results. 

Our patented AI search feature Smart Synonyms™ identifies phrases and keywords that are relevant and useful to your search query, removing the risk of missing critical insights.

Sentiment Analysis

sentiment score

Our sentiment analysis and natural language processing (NLP) technology analyzes market perceptions about a given company, industry, or topic, and color-codes positive and negative sentiment for easy recognition. These AI-driven features work in seconds, saving hours previously spent combing through dozens of earnings reports.

Sentiment analysis is instrumental in earnings analysis, as it uncovers the nuance and context in a company’s messaging on relevant topics and themes. 

Smart Summaries

smart summaries for companies

Our Smart Summaries feature leverages our 10+ years of AI tech development and draws from a curated collection of high-quality business content.

With Smart Summaries, you can: 

  • Glean instant earnings insights, reducing time spent on research during earnings season
  • Quickly capture company outlook by accessing Wall Street’s perspective on competitive landscape and reasoning behind upgrades and downgrades
  • Generate an expert-approved SWOT analysis—straight from former competitors, partners, and employees

Monitoring, Analysis, and Collaboration Tools

AlphaSense is designed to help users find insights faster. In order to do that, we offer a number of tools that extend beyond search and summarization to help users accelerate research tasks.  

  • Customizable Dashboards create a centralized information hub for monitoring key companies and themes, while tailored real-time alerts provide real-time updates.
  • Powerful collaboration tools like Notebook+ and commenting features help teams manage and share insights more effectively. Check out the 5 Competitive Intelligence Templates to Use in AlphaSense’s Notebook.
  • Table Tools allow you to move faster with spreadsheet-style visualizations directly from company filings, so you can chain together, edit, and optimize tables for analysis. 
  • Image Search allows you to discover insights buried in charts to quickly capture data without reading through pages of documents.
  • Snippet Explorer allows you to effortlessly look at any topic or theme and all its historical mentions in a single view.
  • Our Black-lining feature allows you to automatically identify any QoQ changes in SEC filings.
  • Automated Monitoring allows you to set up real-time alerts that send updates on any relevant market movements, news, emerging trends, and competitor activities. We also generate snapshots of companies and topics regularly that keep you ahead of the curve with actionable insights.