Know your market inside and out with precision benchmarking

Our leading AI search platform allows you to find and compare core metrics and KPIs—all in one place.

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What makes our solution different

Spend less time searching for KPIs in dense documents

Find, stitch together, and export tables in seconds

Access thousands of industry analyst reports without traditional entitlements

“The specificity of the results allows us to be much more efficient. We are able to quickly identify what information is relevant to us. It’s all packaged in a one-stop shop.”

Managing Director

“If I can’t find it in AlphaSense, I am 99% sure it doesn’t exist.”

Tech Analyst

“AlphaSense is a lifesaver in terms of finding key data without the work of combing through pages and pages of Disclosure.”

Professional in Energy Industry

“When I need to get smart on an industry quickly, it’s the most powerful resource I have to aggregate broker research, company presentations and earnings reports, and find what I need in a pinch.”

Associate, Investment Banking

“AlphaSense is a powerful tool when comparing financials between competitors. Something that previously may have taken one or two days is now easily pulled together in a morning.”

Finance Director
World coverage

Industry reports from top analysts

Access 1,000+ broker research providers with Smart Search technology that quickly surfaces market landscapes, industry trends, and the performance of competitors and peers.

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Find, export, analyze

Enhance financial benchmarking by easily chaining together tables from company filings in a few clicks and export to Excel for additional analysis.

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Verify peer metrics in no time

Easily find KPIs for public and private companies buried in filings, company presentations and broker research. Smart Synonyms™ understand variations in language so you can pinpoint market share and growth projections faster.

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Discover more use cases for AlphaSense

Competitive Intelligence

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Market Landscaping

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Fundamental Research

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Business Development

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Earnings Analysis

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Due Diligence

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Private Market Intelligence

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Benchmark competitors and peers with ease

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