NetApp Leverages Real-Time Insights With AlphaSense To Inform Executive-Level Decision-Making

The Company

NetApp, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTAP) is a global cloud-led, data-centric software company empowering businesses to efficiently manage and store their data. They provide a full range of hybrid cloud data services that simplify application and data management of applications across cloud and on-premises environments to accelerate digital transformation. Together with their partners, they empower global organizations to unleash the full potential of their data to expand customer touchpoints, foster greater innovation, and optimize their operations.

Introducing Data to Support Strategic Decisions

Rajeev Samuel, Director of Corporate Strategy, collaborates closely with the CEO’s office, facilitating the discovery of essential information to underpin strategic decisions. The Corporate Strategy team has a pivotal role in dissecting NetApp’s internal processes, offering insights on optimizing resource utilization for corporate advancements, assessing competitors, and identifying emerging leaders in technology. Given the team’s extensive cross-functional interactions and high-level executive exposure, real-time access to pertinent information and data is paramount.

“If someone asks me, ‘go understand investments that have been made in AI,’ and I have no knowledge about it, I resort to AlphaSense to listen to expert interviews or read the summaries of company documents. The platform consolidates information into one place for me so that I don’t have to read through 10 different documents.”

– Rajeev Samuel, Director of Corporate Strategy

Getting Smart on the Full Market Landscape

As NetApp’s product suite expands from on-premise storage systems to more cloud-based services, maintaining consistent visibility into the strategies of other SaaS players in the market becomes crucial. In a recent investigation into a partnership with a large SaaS company, NetApp’s CEO looked to Samuel’s team to formulate a list of all SaaS companies in the market, including which ones they currently do business with. After failing to get this data from partners like PitchBook and IDC due to budget constraints, Samuel and his AlphaSense Account Manager collaborated to generate a list via the platform. “We were able to find a list of companies simply as a result of different search functions within AlphaSense. She helped us get a sense of all companies​​public and privatewho have documents that mention the word ‘SaaS.’ Having that list made my life a lot easier,” Samuel remarked.

Further, Samuel finds AlphaSense’s expert transcript library invaluable for his research. As NetApp expanded to adjacent & emerging markets, the team needed insights into smaller, niche competitors, not just the hyperscalers. Access to a comprehensive library of expert calls enables hearing deep, insightful commentary on companies and markets of all sizes.

“IDC or Gartner will not tell me about the ‘small fish in the pond.’ With AlphaSense’s expert calls, I was able to find interviews of some of these smaller and fast growing fish and how they are going to market or how users are interpreting them. Taking these interviews and sharing anecdotes with my product team or with my go to market team and educating them in terms of what our competition is doing is very powerful.”

Looking Ahead

As the NetApp team experiences the daily benefits of AlphaSense, the feedback from executives reflects confidence and validation in the findings provided, with executives expressing trust in the information sourced from the platform. With that foundation in mind, the team eagerly anticipates deepening their knowledge of the platform and finding the most efficient ways to utilize its valued content. They are particularly excited about leveraging tools like AlphaSense Assistant and Smart Summaries to excel their research and further validate their recommendations to leadership, ensuring NetApp can confidently leverage the content as the platform continues to evolve.

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