New Weight Loss Drugs: Overview and Implications

Since the rise of Ozempic, a diabetes medication turned off-label obesity drug, unprecedented demand for weight loss drugs has sparked around the globe.

This surge in popularity can be attributed to the ever-increasing, publicized risks associated with excess body weight and the growing desire for quick and effective solutions for fat loss. And while these drugs have gained favor among those seeking a shortcut to shedding pounds, they are met with mixed perceptions of danger and concern from the medical community. 

While some doctors view them as a valuable tool in their arsenal to combat obesity-related health issues, others caution against potential risks and advocate for lifestyle changes (i.e., exercise, diets, etc.) instead. Regardless of this divergence in opinion, weight loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro offer a promising opportunity in the healthcare and pharmaceutical market, with innovation and research continually striving to provide safer and more effective solutions for those in need.

In the latest episode of Signals, Nick Mazing welcomes Sara Stahl, Director of AlphaSense’s Healthcare Research for Expert Insights. Together, they explore the new generation of weight loss drugs along with the established alternatives to these solutions (i.e., bariatric surgery, diabetes devices, etc.).

The Rising Demand for Weight Loss Drugs

There’s no denying that drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro have peaked consumer interest, especially among those outside the healthcare sector. Novo Nordisk, the maker of Ozempic and Wegovy reported about $5 billion in North American sales just in the first half of 2023.

In fact, these drugs have garnered so much demand that people are going to drastic lengths—traveling thousands of miles to countries like Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Australia, and France—to secure prescriptions. 

This phenomenon known as “medical tourism for weight loss” involves individuals traveling extensive distances to obtain readily available or accessible prescriptions, often at a more affordable cost. 

However, this practice raises concerns about the lack of standardized medical oversight, potential language barriers, and varying healthcare regulations in different countries. While the concept of seeking weight loss drugs overseas is gaining traction, it prompts a critical examination of the ethical, safety, and legal dimensions surrounding the global pursuit of pharmaceutical solutions to address the complex issue of obesity.

“The bottom line is these drugs are highly efficacious. And the market is just huge.” Stahl says. “The TAM is huge, no pun intended. It’s hard to stay away from these puns for obesity, drugs. And really, these drugs are still in the very early stages, so it is really hard to overstate the opportunity in the obesity market.”

The Impact of Weight Loss Drugs on Related Industries

According to Stahl, the emergence of highly effective weight loss drugs like Ozempic presents the potential to disrupt several sectors within the healthcare industry. For instance, bariatric surgery and similar procedures such as gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery, may see a decline in demand as individuals opt for pharmaceutical weight loss interventions, especially since these drugs have already proven to be highly effective. 

For individuals managing diabetes, particularly those with type 2 diabetes, effective weight loss can lead to improved blood glucose control, which could potentially affect the demand for insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors. Some individuals may no longer require these intensive management tools if their weight could be managed by GLP-1 drugs.

Stahl is optimistic in this regard: “But that’s kind of the hope that some of these things do become obsolete. Insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors for diabetes patients. Those are often cited as under pressure by these drugs or could be.” 

While weight loss drugs offer a promising avenue for combating obesity and its related health issues, it’s still too early to write off established players in the healthcare sector. Weight loss drugs may not be suitable or effective for everyone, and their long-term safety and efficacy require ongoing research and evaluation. 

The Challenge of Insurance Coverage for Weight Loss Drugs

Despite the potential of weight loss drugs to effectively control severe comorbid conditions associated with obesity and thereby lower overall healthcare spending, a significant hurdle lies in their short-term cost. The expense of these medications can deter patients from pursuing them, even if they prove to be highly effective. In this context, Stahl believes drug manufacturers will start to link obesity to other comorbid conditions in research studies as a strategic approach to facilitate insurance coverage.

By establishing a strong evidence base that highlights the cost-effectiveness and health benefits of weight loss drugs in addressing not only obesity but also related medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, it becomes more compelling for insurance providers to consider coverage options. This strategy could help bridge the financial gap for individuals who could greatly benefit from these medications while ultimately contributing to improved public health and reduced long-term healthcare costs.

“This is just one of those times where you’ve got an innovation, a technological innovation that disrupts not even within their own industry, but outside of their own industry. And that is why, another reason everyone’s talking about these.”

Staying Ahead of Every Medical Development

Staying ahead in the medical drug industry requires sharp research efforts and confidence in decision-making. AlphaSense is a leading provider of market intelligence, including 10,000+ high-quality content sources from more than 1,500 leading research providers—all in a single platform. 

Analysts, researchers, and decision-makers in the medical drug sector can access exclusive research reports only found elsewhere in disparate locations and often behind expensive paywalls. With AlphaSense, companies can conduct comprehensive research that gives them a competitive edge with smarter, more confident decision-making.

Are you looking to gain a deeper understanding of the weight loss drug market and the lucrative opportunities hidden within it? Download our report, Obesity Treatments: An Outsized Opportunity, to discover the potential impact drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro have on business models within healthcare and beyond. 

Stay ahead of the evolving landscape and get your competitive edge with AlphaSense. Start your free trial today.

Tim Hafke
Tim Hafke
Content Marketing Specialist

Formerly a writer for publications and startups, Tim Hafke is a Content Marketing Specialist at AlphaSense. His prior experience includes developing content for healthcare companies serving marginalized communities.

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