Today’s markets move at breakneck speed—generating massive amounts of information. Add in an unprecedented level of volatility and an overall increase in the pace of business, to put it lightly: gathering and acting on market intelligence has never been more challenging.

And while the pace of business has accelerated, organizations largely operate in a world full of slow decision-making. Intelligence that powers strategic decisions requires knowledge workers to be agile.

When it comes to tactically employing a sophisticated market intelligence practice, it is important to level-set and know where your company is in terms of market intelligence maturity. It is a matter of understanding where you stand without simply reacting to your competitors.

Enter: the market intelligence maturity index.

In this report, based around data from our State of Generative AI and Market Intelligence 2023 survey, we delve into the challenges and costs associated with not solving them, and outline the three stages of market intelligence maturity (or lack thereof).